Irené Ntawuhiganayo

Eng. Irené Ntawuhiganayo

Professional Electrical Engineer

(PrEE, Bsc.EE, MIER)

Eng. Irené Ntawuhigano holds a bachelor degree in electrical Engineering from KIST and works with CCS Ltd on a project basis. He has provided significant contribution during the design and implementation of proposed construction of New La Colombiere Education Center at Gaculiro particularly the scope of Electrical Engineering works.

Irené is a Professional Registered Electrical Engineer by the Board of registration of Institution of Engineers Rwanda with practical experience more than 10 years in the field of Electrical Engineering. He has been involved in a number of construction projects especially while working with Talent  contractors Ltd. He Worked as Electro-mechanician in M.H.B(Mobilier et Huisserie du Batimant) Company ltd, In M.H.B  where he  was at Rusumo in construction of  Rusumo& Tanzania boarder post under a  leading ( Sub-Contractor) of Japanese company DAIHO Corporation. He also Worked as Electrical Engineer under Integrated Property Consultant ltd in the project of EWSA(Energy Water Sanitation Authority) separation in two parts: REG(Rwanda Energy Group) and WASAC, in the project, I was charged to valuate & to survey status at Jabana I&II thermal power plant, Birembo Post, Mukungwa I&II hydropower plant, Ntaruka hydropower plant, Mutobo hydropower plant, Nyamyotsi I&II hydropower plant, Janja hydropower plant, Gifurwe, Keya hydropower plant, Gihira hydropower plant, Gisenyi hydropower plant, Nkora hydropower plant, Cyimbiri hydropower plant, Gashashi hydro power plant, Gisenyi antenna, Ruhengeri antenna, Ngororero antenna.

Eng. Irené also worked with  DELTA TECH  as Electrical and ICT Consultant ltd, where he   did Electrical installation, Fire Alarm and Internet Data of CHIC(Champion Investment Corporation) Building which located in Nyarugenge district near of NISR (National Institute of Statistic of Rwanda).  He further worked with TELOPTIMA ltd, where he was in  the department of   SRS [Smart Rollout Support] test, Drive test and Microwave Installation & Commissioning.